The CGP has a rich history of student supervision for Masters, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral studies. We offer interdisciplinary and innovative, programs of study at the interface of law, medicine and public policy. Our graduates have gone on to become leaders in their specialities working in academia, industry and government. Please contact us to discuss your potential candidacy.
At the CGP, our research team are innovators working at the crossroads of law, ethics, genomics and modern medicine. If you’re interested in being part of a team that also values interdisciplinarity, collaboration, equity, recognition, and personal development, our Centre is the place for you. Our Academic Associates and Research Assistants undertake ground-breaking research and provide support for health care professionals, patients, researchers and policymakers around the world to navigate complex legal and policy hurdles. Join our team and work alongside top thinkers and problem solvers, where you’ll be at the forefront of tackling future challenges in law, medicine, and public policy.
Below you will find the current open positions opportunities offered by CGP. Click on the position title to learn more.

I absolutely enjoyed my research internship at the Centre of Genomics and Policy. Many employees are fellow students or recent graduates making for a very friendly work environment. Opportunities to exchange ideas and learn abound, as the projects and research conducted by the CGP are varied, multidisciplinary, and current."
I’ve really enjoyed my time working as an intern at the CGP. The best part of the internship for me has been the amazing colleagues I have had the privilege to meet, work with and learn from. As a law student, I’ve also really enjoyed becoming familiar with genetic discrimination laws in different countries and doing research at the intersection of law, medicine and ethics."
I had the opportunity to work as an intern in creating a harmonized survey on genetic discrimination under the supervision of Dr. Yann Joly and Dr. Gratien Dalpe. My experience with the CGP gave me a helpful and professional environment in which to further my learning regarding the intersections of medicine, law, ethics, and policy. By being part of the CGP and by collaborating with the exceptional people in the office, I broadened my understanding and developed a richer perspective of the complex landscapes of genetics, health, and policy."
Articling at the CGP was a very formative experience. It offered me an opportunity to engage with timely ethical, legal, and social issues and to be involved in concrete projects where those issues needed to be resolved. I had the chance to interact with stakeholders from a diversity of backgrounds including lawyers, health professionals, industry leaders, philosophers, bioethicists. Not only did this broaden my perspective on those issues, but it also led me down my actual career path as a health professional. And most of all, the CGP is a wonderful workplace where hallway small talk can lead you to write a new paper, where curiosity is fostered and where no doors are closed (except during conference calls)."
My placement at the Centre of Genomics and Policy has allowed me to dive deeper into the topic of genetic discrimination and gain a better understanding of its breadth and implications. I had the opportunity of being involved with the Genetic Discrimination Observatory, which taught me a lot about the different legal and policy responses to genetic discrimination around the world. Overall, it has been an eye-opening and enriching experience and I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to contribute to the CGP’s meaningful work."
As an intern at the CGP I had the chance to work under the supervision of Prof. Ma’n Zawati and Julie Hagan on the regulation of genetic counselling and lack thereof and its implications in Quebec. This was an eye-opening internship where I got to interact first-hand with genetic counsellors and geneticists in order to understand their perspectives and opinions on this absence of regulation. I also learned how to design and run a qualitative analysis based on the interviews I conducted. Being part of the CGP, I got to collaborate with extremely talented people and combine my interests in health policy, ethics in genetics and human biology."
During my research internship with the McGill Legal Clinic, I had the opportunity to work on projects associated with ancestry, genetic discrimination and forensic DNA databases. I am indebted to my wonderful colleagues at the CGP for their acuity, guidance and compassion."
Throughout my internship, the CGP has been a great learning experience. The welcoming environment and the academic expertise opened up a range of future opportunities for me."
My research internship at the CGP provided me with a profound learning journey, where I had the chance to pioneer my own project. Crafting an REB application during this time allowed me to gain knowledge in building a research project from scratch while developing my skills in professional writing. I truly cherished the opportunity to work closely with my mentors at the CGP and appreciated the collaborative environment that fostered my growth as an independent researcher."
My time working at the CGP on the legal recognition of the profession of genetic counseling gave me the tools I needed to conceptualize this issue. Working in a interdisciplinary team has been most enriching."

Internships and Legal Articling? Interested in ethics, law, policy and genomics? Want to familiarize yourself with social science methodology? An internship might just be for you!
Whether or not you have a background in ethics, law or policy, the CGP welcomes applications for internships from undergraduate, graduate and legal articling students (Barreau du Québec or Law Society of Ontario). Our interdisciplinary group thrives in a culture of creativity, originality, and transparency. We welcome your applications.
Below you will find the current internship opportunities offered by CGP. Click on the position title to learn more.